Welcome to the 
 Equi-Gym® Academy
Kiki Kaltwasser
Straightness training for a balanced horse
"Every Horse, every level, every style, every rider"
 ®Trademarked in Canada since June 2021 by Kiki Kaltwasser  
3 easy steps to become a 
certified  Equi-Gym® Instructor:

Become a Level 2 Certified Equi-Gym® Trainer

Train your own horse and learn all about intelligent horse-training and creating a partnership with your horse

Level 1 Gettin' started

Become Level 1 : Take our online course about the Equi-Sling® and Equi-Gym® training system

Level 3 - We are looking for you: Become a certified Equi-Gym® Instructor and teach others 

Level 3 certified Equi-GYM® Instructor. Teach Beginners or professionals

What is so special with Equi-Sling® and Equi-Gym®?

Experience the "total reset" of your horses body.
Get rid of painful moving patterns.
Understand the correct biomechanics of your horse.
We only train with soft bags filled with foam or straw !
Why are we doing this? We want an injury free and safe training in every gait. 
Once the horse is trained to coordinate it's hooves and body, it can master every challenge.
Why are the poles only in yellow and blue? These are the (scientifically proved) colours the horse can see the best.
Yellow and blue is also a symbol for the left and right side of the brain
that we are training with this system.

How did it all start?

In 2003 Kiki Kaltwasser wrote the first book about the "Dual training system" while still living in Germany. Kiki created all the names for the obstacles and linked the method to the classical basics of ancient equine training systems (like Guerniere, Pluvinel and more) and linked it to the training scale, the Escrima training and EMDR therapy. Nowadays you wont' see any stable in Germany that is not equipped with the yellow and blue soft poles.  Riders from all styles and levels train with them for more than 16 years!!
But is was in 2009 when this whole idea became a new sense: Kiki started photographing Canadian wild horses in the Chilcotin Mountains. She observed that these horses -even from a young age on- have to flee over fallen trees, roots, branches and stones. This was and is so different from how we keep our domesticated horses with flat meadows, flat riding arenas and paved surfaces around the stable. 
So Kiki thought, it is time to get some challenge and fun in the daily training schedule! To prove the method works, she trained her 25 year old quarter horse over 6 month - with success!
The Equi-Gym® system was created.

Learn about the amazing transformation with Equi-Sling® and Equi-Gym® of 25 year old Rio,  
(First photo in February 2021 second photo in June 2021)

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